prof. dr hab. Piotr Sułkowski profesor

Wydział Fizyki

Dyscyplina naukowa:

matematyka, nauki fizyczne

Zainteresowania badawcze:

Fizyka teoretyczna i matematyczna, matematyczne aspekty kwantowej teorii pola i teorii strun, topologiczna teoria pola, topologiczna teoria strun, konforemna teoria pola, dualności w teorii pola i teorii strun, teorie pola z rozszerzoną supersymetrią, własności i zliczanie stanów BPS, związki teorii pola i teorii strun z matematyczną teorią węzłów, symetria lustrzana, krzywe kwantowe, teoria macierzy losowych – modele macierzowe, topologiczne rekurencje. Biofizyka – topologiczne i kombinatoryczne własności biomolekuł.

description of research interests:

Theoretical and mathematical physics, mathematical aspects of quantum field theory and string theory, topological field theory, topological string theory, conformal field theory, dualities in field theory and string theory, extended supersymmetry, properties and counting of BPS states, connections between field and string theory and mathematical knot theory, mirror symmetry, quantum curves, random matrix theory – matrix models, topological recursion. Biophysics – topological and combinatorial properties of biomolecules.

Realizowane projekty:

2019-2021 2015-2019 2014-2017 2013-2019 2013-2016 2012-2014 2011-2013 2009-2012 2009 2007-2009 2006-2007 Foundation for Polish Science, Team grant e-COST (European Cooperation for Science and Technology) Project: “Quantum Structure of Spacetime (QSPACE)” Vice-coordinator representing Poland & University of Warsaw Foundation for Polish Science “Ideas for Poland” European Research Council ERC Starting Grant Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Iuventus Plus research grant Foundation for Polish Science Inter/Skills Foundation for Polish Science Homing-Plus research grant Marie-Curie Grant (International Outgoing Fellowship) Foundation for Polish Science Grant for a research visit at Harvard University Humboldt Fellowship (awarded by Humboldt Foundation in Germany) Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland PhD grant Nr N202 004 31/0060

research projects implemented:

2019-2021 2015-2019 2014-2017 2013-2019 2013-2016 2012-2014 2011-2013 2009-2012 2009 2007-2009 2006-2007 Foundation for Polish Science, Team grant e-COST (European Cooperation for Science and Technology) Project: “Quantum Structure of Spacetime (QSPACE)” Vice-coordinator representing Poland & University of Warsaw Foundation for Polish Science “Ideas for Poland” European Research Council ERC Starting Grant Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland Iuventus Plus research grant Foundation for Polish Science Inter/Skills Foundation for Polish Science Homing-Plus research grant Marie-Curie Grant (International Outgoing Fellowship) Foundation for Polish Science Grant for a research visit at Harvard University Humboldt Fellowship (awarded by Humboldt Foundation in Germany) Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland PhD grant Nr N202 004 31/0060


Słowa kluczowe:

fizyka teoretyczna, fizyka matematyczna, kwantowa teoria pola, teoria strun, teoria węzłów, modele macierzowe, biofizyka

Słowa kluczowe:

theoretical physics, mathematical physics, quantum field theory, string theory, knot theory, matrix models, biophysics



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