prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Gorzelak profesor zwyczajny
Instytut Ameryk i Europy
Dyscyplina naukowa:
geografia społeczno-ekonomiczna i gospodarka przestrzenna, nauki o polityce i administracji
Zainteresowania badawcze:
Rozwój regionalny i lokalny, polityka regionalna - także UE (Polityka Spójności), gospodarka przestrzenna. Samorząd terytorialny, strategie rozwoju. Transformacja postsocjalistyczna.
Promotor 11 doktoratów.
description of research interests:
Regional and local development, regional policy - also the EU (Cohesion Policy), spatial management. Territorial self-government, development strategies. Post-socialist transformation.
Supervised 11 doctoral theses.
Realizowane projekty:
- The objective of socal and economic cohesion in the economic policies of the Memebr states - EUROREG-EPRC-DG Regio, 2010
- Territorial cooperation in transnational areas, between regions and across internal/external borders, ESPON-TERCO, 2010-2012
- Europan borders, EU external borders, and the immediate neighbours: Analysing regional development options through polivies and practicies of cross-border cooperation, FP7-EXLINEA, 2010-2013
- Koniunktura gospodarcza i mobilizacja społleczna w gminach II, NCN, 2012-2015 Growth - innovation - competitiveness: to foster cohesion in Central and Eastern European countries, FP7-GRINCOH, 2012-2015
- Understanding the impact of EU Cohesion policy on European indentification, HORIZON-COHESIFY, 2014-2017
- Rola funduszy Unii Europejskiej w rozwoju regionalnym i lokalnym Polski na tle doświadczeń międzynarodowych, NCN, 2018-2020
research projects implemented:
- The objective of socal and economic cohesion in the economic policies of the Memebr states - EUROREG-EPRC-DG Regio, 2010
- Territorial cooperation in transnational areas, between regions and across internal/external borders, ESPON-TERCO, 2010-2012
- Europan borders, EU external borders, and the immediate neighbours: Analysing regional development options through polivies and practicies of cross-border cooperation, FP7-EXLINEA, 2010-2013
- Economic performamce and social mobilisation in Polish municipalities II, NCN, 2012-2015
- Growth - innovation - competitiveness: to foster cohesion in Central and Eastern European countries, FP7-GRINCOH, 2012-2015
- Understanding the impact of EU Cohesion policy on European indentification, HORIZON-COHESIFY, 2014-2017
- The role of European Union funds in regional and local development of Poland in the light of international experience, NCN, 2018-2020
Słowa kluczowe:
region, rozwój, przestrzeń, transformacja
Słowa kluczowe:
region, development, space, transformation
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