dr hab. Andrzej Wierciński profesor uczelni
Wydział Pedagogiczny
Dyscyplina naukowa:
nauki o kulturze i religii, pedagogika
Zainteresowania badawcze:
hermeneutyka edukacji i medycyny, filozoficzna hermeneutyka religii, hermenetyczna lektura poezji, fenomenologiczna hermeneutyka Heideggera, Gadamera i Ricoeura
description of research interests:
Hermeneutics of education and medicine, hermeneutic philosophy of religion, hermeneutic reading of poetry, phenomenological hermeneutics of Heidegger, Gadamer, and Ricoeur
Realizowane projekty:
Existentia Hermeneutica: Understanding as the Mode of Being in the World; Hermeneutics of Education: Exploring and Experiencing the Unpredictability of Education; Hermeneutics and Education; Hermeneutics and Poetry; Hermeneutics of Dis-ability:Dis-advantage, De-privation, De-fect, and Dis-criminaton
research projects implemented:
Existentia Hermeneutica: Understanding as the Mode of Being in the World; Hermeneutics of Education: Exploring and Experiencing the Unpredictability of Education; Hermeneutics and Education; Hermeneutics and Poetry; Hermeneutics of Dis-ability: Dis-advantage, De-privation, De-fect, and Dis-criminaton
Słowa kluczowe:
hermeneutyka edukacji, religii i literatury
Słowa kluczowe:
hermeneutics of education, religion and literature
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