dr hab. Bartłomiej Rokicki adiunkt (hab.)

Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych

Field of study:

economics and finance

Zainteresowania badawcze:

Patrz wersja angielska

description of research interests:

dr hab. Bartlomiej Rokicki – is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw and an affiliate research associate professor at the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana. Author of many publications and reports related to the regional development, European Cohesion Policy and European integration. Published in journals such as Regional Studies, Economic Modelling, Economics of Transition, Empirical Economics, Journal of Transport Geography, Regional Science and Urban Economics or Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie. During several years he collaborated with the Department of Analyses and Strategies, Office of the Committee for European Integration. His current research interests focus on evaluation of regional policies, regional macroeconomic modelling (including IO and CGE modelling) and labor market economics.

Realizowane projekty:

Patrz wersja angielska

research projects implemented:

1. Modelling the impact of major infrastructure projects on regional development The main goal of the project is an assessment of the impact of big infrastructure projects on regional development. We also want to verify whether the amount of financial means devoted to the big projects is adequate as compared to the real costs associated to their completion. The results of the project will allow to expand the knowledge concerning the relationship between public investment and productivity. 2. Application of regional price deflators in empirical analysis of regional wage determinants and in verification of the New Economic Geography theoretical models assumptions concerning price index. There are two main goals of the project. First, we want to verify the impact of regional price indices on the results of regional wage determinants analyses. Second, we want to verify empirically one of the main assumptions present in the NEG models concerning the price index and develop a model that takes into account new empirical findings. Here, we focus on the supposition that the core regions should have a lower price index of manufacturing goods. 3. Regionalization of national input-output tables based on non-survey methods The main goal of the project is to apply for the first time entropy econometrics into regionalization of national IO tables. Also, we want to compare the outcome of three different non-survey regionalization methods: location quotient based, RAS and entropy econometrics. Finally, we want to compute regional IO tables for Poland based on the regionalization methodology that proves to be the most accurate one.


Słowa kluczowe:

nauka regionalna, rynek pracy, modelowanie makro

Key words:

regional science, labor market, macro modelling



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