dr hab. Łukasz Kozłowski adiunkt

Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki

Field of study:

biological sciences, computer and information sciences

Zainteresowania badawcze:

Biologia komputerowa (bioinformatyka, proteomika, biologia strukturalna, sekwencjonowanie, itp.):

  • uczenie maszynowe (deep learning, ANN, SVM, algorytmy genetyczne)

  • rozwój narzędzi i baz danych bioinformatycznych

  • regiony nieuporządkowane białek

  • analiza danych z sekwencjonowania (NGS)

  • znaczenie polimorfizmu nukleotydów (SNP)

  • bioinformatyka strukturalna i obliczeniowa

  • modeleowanie struktur białek

  • analiza sekwencji białek i RNA

Strona domowa: http://bioinformatics.netmark.pl/

description of research interests:

Working in computational biology (proteomics, protein structural biology, NGS, bioinformatics, etc.):

  • advanced machine learning (deep learning, ANN, SVM, genetic algorithms)

  • development of bioinformatics tools for protein and RNA

  • intrinsic protein disorder and its function in biological systems

  • next-generation sequencing (NGS) data analysis

  • single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) influence on human diseases

  • structural bioinformatics and structural biology

  • protein structure modeling

  • protein and RNA sequence analysis

Homepage: http://bioinformatics.netmark.pl/

Realizowane projekty:

Finished projects:

  • Proteome-pI 2.0 - isoelectricpointdb2.mimuw.edu.pl - Proteome Isoelectric Point Database 2.0 (the data for 61 million sequences from 20,115 proteomes) the publication cited >20 times since 2022

  • IPC 2.0 - ipc2.mimuw.edu.pl - prediction of isoelectric point and pKa dissociation constants using deep learning and SVR, cited >80 times since 2021

  • Proteome-pI - isoelectricpointdb.org - Proteome Isoelectric Point Database (the database contains the data for >21 million sequences from 5,029 proteomes calculated by 18 methods, cited >250 times since 2016)

  • IPC - isoelectric.org - Isoelectric Point Calculator, the publication cited >350 times since 2016

  • MetaDisorder - iimcb.genesilico.pl/metadisorder - prediction of intrinsic disorder in proteins (the best method according to CASP beating >20 other methods for protein disorder prediction in a blind test, cited >350 times since 2012

For the list of ongoing (open) projects see apd.uw.edu.pl/users/363336/

research projects implemented:

Finished projects:

  • Proteome-pI 2.0 - isoelectricpointdb2.mimuw.edu.pl - Proteome Isoelectric Point Database 2.0 (the data for 61 million sequences from 20,115 proteomes) the publication cited >20 times since 2022

  • IPC 2.0 - ipc2.mimuw.edu.pl - prediction of isoelectric point and pKa dissociation constants using deep learning and SVR, cited >80 times since 2021

  • Proteome-pI - isoelectricpointdb.org - Proteome Isoelectric Point Database (the database contains the data for >21 million sequences from 5,029 proteomes calculated by 18 methods, cited >250 times since 2016)

  • IPC - isoelectric.org - Isoelectric Point Calculator, the publication cited >350 times since 2016

  • MetaDisorder - iimcb.genesilico.pl/metadisorder - prediction of intrinsic disorder in proteins (the best method according to CASP beating >20 other methods for protein disorder prediction in a blind test, cited >350 times since 2012

For the list of ongoing (open) projects see apd.uw.edu.pl/users/363336/


Słowa kluczowe:

SI, bioinformatyka, biologia komputerowa, głębokie sieci neuronowe, serwisy internetowe, bazy danych, algorytmika, uczenia maszynowe, genomika

Key words:

AI, bioinformatics, computational biology, deep learning, web servers, databases, algorithmics, machine learning, NGS, proteins, modelling, proteomics



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